Spectrum Magazine Interview - Article 2 

This image is a caricature by Red Elk that he sent to The SPECTRUM in a letter.

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Red Elk’s Medicine Message Of Worlds Within Worlds: Old Mysteries, Powerful Truths For Today

Red Elk interview continued:

Gail Cortright:  Absolutely.

Red Elk:  Don’t get beat-up.  Christ had to stand there and get beat-up because he was proving, to himself, and to the world, that it’s worth it, overall. 

Rick Martin:  You write about the Red Sky.  Can you explain what the Red Sky is?

Red Elk:  The Red Sky is in Scriptures.  I don’t believe it tells in Scriptures, I might be mistaken, on how long this will last.  It is also in our own Indian prophecies.  We call it “the Orange Sky”.

If I recall the prophecies correctly, it will last day and night for 7 or 8 days.  When that great sign in the sky appears, that means that, from that moment on, you can travel instead of 24 hours ahead, you can travel weeks and months ahead, because there are no more probables, no more chances to turn left or right.  We, then, are definitely on the no longer probable, but the dead-on End of the Trail.

Rick Martin:  So the hourglass is empty at that point?

Red Elk:  That’s it.  We have no chances, from there on in.  The Great Sign in the sky. 

Rick Martin:   So you’re saying, after the False Rapture, many of the true believers will still be on the planet, but it will be a very turbulent time, a very painful time, physically, for many people?

Red Elk:  But moreso for those who are left behind, as believers, of those who believe in pure love, it will be far worse on them then the others.  But, don’t misunderstand me.  The others are going to be going through all kinds of hell themselves, drinking their own urine, for lack of water, eating human beings, for lack of food.  It is going to be the worst thing you have seen in your life.  There has never been, ever, ever been on any planet, any dimension, any plane, a catastrophe like is going to happen here when the great mousetrap springs its steel bar across the neck of all who have come to nibble at we, the bait. 

Rick Martin:  But we, as cheese in the trap, will also be caught in the physical experience of whatever unpleasantness there is.

Red Elk:  Yes, yes, yes—until they’re taken-up, or they might die before.  But they will be taken-up.  It could be hours, or days, I have no idea, before the actual event called Armageddon comes.  These are the ones, the survivors, the ones who are left behind when the others are taken into captivity.  And only two will be left (or three, I’m not sure, like I said)—two or three prophets. 

Rick Martin:  Now, ultimately this planet is moving into Radiance, as I understand it.

Red Elk:  Oh, you bet.  Because you see, we’ve been dwelling on nothing but the bad aspects of what’s coming. 

Rick Martin:  Right, let’s shift toward the radiant aspect. 

Red Elk:  Right.  And people worry about what’s coming.  They don’t see the Great Ahead.  When that mousetrap is finally snapped, there will be few human beings on this planet left alive.  And believe me—I really doubt if there will be ANY human beings IN or ON this Earth; they’re all taken off.  At least, that’s the way it looks; I can’t say for certain.

So, we will be all alone.  Scriptures talk about a third of the planet’s population will die, through pollution and what not.  And that’s already taking effect, now.  But if people read carefully, it will say, after that, a third of those left will also die.  And if they read carefully on, they will find a third of those left will die—leaving us very, very few humans.

I don’t know, 10 million, whatever, across our planet.  I may be way off on my numbers.  But nevertheless, a third, a third, and a third, gone; then x amount will remain.  There will be no more Red man. There will be no more Black man, or White, or Chinese, or any other color or creed.  You might now hate Mexicans, or Indians, or Chinese, or whatnot.  At that time, if you are a survivor who has gone through all of this—if you, say you hate a Black person, just can’t stand to breathe around them, and they you, if you happen to run across one of them on the vast, devastated island called Earth, and see each other, and one’s male and one’s female, believe me, you will run and embrace each other.  It might be the only human you have seen in months, and you’ll be glad.

Anyway, odd thing is, during that time it will take 30 years to regroup, to regroup our own individual census.  Because there will be no roads, you’d be lucky to find a road that’s two or three miles long before it’s all blown-up, or torn-up by earthquakes or wars.  No roads, no factories, cities—it will just be half-crazed people living in cities.  Stay away from them.  The real “Road Warrior” movies, that type of thing.  It’s going to be hell.

That first 30 years, a lot people are going to perish because they don’t know how to survive.  They don’t know how to hold a dead branch and turn it into a fruit-bearing branch within their hands, and eat the fruit therefrom.  They don’t know; we do.  They don’t know it can be done.  Again, the only limit is: you can’t be God, Lucifer, or Christ—that’s it. 

And my job, what I’ve been ordered to do, is to teach that you can do everything but those things!

And when people come to me, I spend two days with them.  If they’re dead serious about learning, I give them enough information that, on their own, they can continue between them and the Creator, and grow and grow and grow, and hold a dead branch, and shut their eyes, and image it into a reality, and eat of it.  They can go to a cesspool of a little 3-inch trickle of water, and remember what it was like before the wars, and before the tribulation, remember it, and image it—I cannot give that stronger—image it so strongly that the water, when they open their eyes, it’s now a 5-foot wide, sparkling, tinkling, beautiful brook—not pollution, not 3 inches wide. 

We can recreate from our own mind, for the Scripture says “Ye are as gods”—little g.  The medicine people know this.  Not everyone knows everything about how to do everything.  And, frankly, I’ve asked the medicine people to come out, to quit hiding these sacred secrets, to quit being so damned heady that you are afraid to give this out to the world, in general.  I’ve got a lot of “enemies” out there.  [As a result of reluctance from his contemporaries to agree with Red Elk’s request.  They’d rather keep the knowledge to themselves.]

Rick Martin:  How do they respond to you when you say this?

Red Elk:  Only 1, 2 have responded.  And one, saying I’m right, but doing nothing about it; the other one saying I’m right, and starting to do.  And, I’ll tell you, the Red man, and all others who are of medicine across the world, who do not do this, we are the equivalent of the pastors that the Scripture says: “Give them the knowledge.  You are responsible for your flock.” 

Our flock is the world.  And Scriptures tell the pastors: “Teach them.”  If you do not, it’s going to be on your head! 

And I tell you, there’s many different denominations in the Christian world, many, many—well, all really—of all religions, every religion you can name—except for the religion of those who continuously, with no exceptions, worship Lucifer—they’ve got to rise-up, they’ve got to go beyond their pride, their false humility.  People are coming to them to learn, and all of a sudden the “pastors” are getting all puffy-shirted about it; they don’t want to give up their little secrets.  They want people to come to them, a bunch of false gods, sitting around. 

Gail Cortright:  That’s exactly right.

Red Elk:  Listen, I don’t care if you do put a rug down and pray to the East.  God bless you for doing it.  You love God that much, in that culture—go for it, my brother; go for it, my sister.  Add love, and you will be perfect in spirit.  Throw out the traditional crap; add love.  The Bible is not for Christians.  The Bible is not a religion.  The Bible is the way of life.  Love is the way of life. 

Gail Cortright:  And that’s the bottom-line, isn’t it?

Red Elk:  Yes, it is.  People look at the Bible and say: “Look at this killing, and that war, and blah, blah, blah….”

“Look deeply, my brothers and sisters” I say.  “Look deeply!”  They did not obey Him, and He said: “If you don’t, you’re gonna get a spanking.”  So why are you so stupid as to blame God for holding up to His word?  That God is a good Father.  Many children have straightened-up because of a good, swift spanking.

Gail Cortright:  That’s very true. 

Red Elk:  I’m probably not what you expected, but I am an Inner Heyoka.  And we learned purity.  My ancestors of this society—not personal ancestors but society ancestors—they learned purity.  There were only 13 left when the Christ left, only 13.

And over the years, people came to the original 13 who followed the Christ, followed his learning and his teachings, and would say: “Heal us of this, please; heal us of that, please”—until they came to us as if we were their slaves, with nothing better in life but to do what they wanted.

And they failed to start bringing us food for our time spent with them.  We couldn’t go out and hunt.  We couldn’t get firewood for our lodges.  Just because they happen to be so damned nice to come in here and say: “Hey, pray for me.” 

Understand?  At first, it was pretty good.  But they forgot that.  And one of the 13 decided enough is enough, and when they called for him, he said: “Ok, I’ve got an idea.” 

And this one went to the encampment asking for prayer.  This one brought drums, and rattles, and masks.  And he began chanting, and rattling, and doing a dance, and blowing smoke, and all kinds of crud.  He put on a vaudeville act, and entertained them, as well as did what he was there for in the first place—purity healing, without entertainment.  They liked what they saw; they gave him money (or the equivalent); he came home with a big breadbasket type of thing.

From there on in, everybody said: “Let’s go to Green Eagle”, or whoever, “because he entertains us.  He’s pretty funny.  He’s a lot of fun, and his entertainment works.”

Well, it works without his entertainment.  He knew that.  But he was after trying to get them to supply the needs of him and his family. 

The other 12, they did not turn that way.  So, tradition began with Mr. 13.  That’s where tradition is; that’s where it came from.  It was not purity out of tradition, but tradition out of purity.

So, today they come to me, and I have to ask: “Creator, what would you have me do?”  And He will tell me what to do, or what not to do, and I have to obey Him. 

He’ll say: “They asked in the Indian way, so give in the Indian way”—which is tradition.  And I do.  They expect it that way.  It healed grandma.  It healed great grandma, six aunts, and a cousin, that way.  So they put their faith in the healing power of that way, including the prayers.  And the Indian people have gone total tradition. 

I have had a word of one I know, who, a few years ago—over 5 years now—medicine man, a very, very spiritually-minded medicine man, a young guy, he said: “I am so happy to see our people coming back to the traditional ways of being Indian.” 

By that he means, for example, the ways of learning to talk with Earth Mother and all that. 

And he said: “But I fear it is not enough.”  And that’s the truth of it.  The full-blood traditional Indians are running on nothing but fumes.  And in not many years ahead, they will not be able to go out and pick the plant that heals this or that.  So, without knowing purity, they will die.  And those who come to them will die, because they have only learned the plants.  They have only learned the traditional way.  They have not learned to connect and do it without the crutch.  I tell you, it might take a 100-mile walk to find one plant to heal a particular thing, and that’s all they’ve learned; that’s all they know.  They have lost their spiritual touch with the Creator.  

Gail Cortright:  Right.

Red Elk:  What else?

Rick Martin:  I’m looking at my notes from your booklet.  It almost seems off-track from where we’ve gone. 

I am curious, at the very least, about these two Queens, but I don’t want to detract from where we’ve been.

Red Elk: Well, for the sake of the reader, I have taken from my book—a very large book but it’s all in handwriting, it’s not typed; typed it should run about 1400 pages—how to do everything that I talk about.  I say everything, but that’s not true.  There are some things I’m not allowed to tell.  It would just go into the wrong hands and cause great trouble.

But almost everything.  I teach also, through that book, how I’ve learned to come to different knowing.  And when I say knowing, I say that in huge, triple-sized letters: K N O W I N G!  When I say “I know it”, believe me, I know it.  Whether you believe it or not, that’s your problem. 

Anyway, this part spoken of [in the shorter booklet which Rick had a copy of ] is just the lifting of a very few of the pages out of that particular large book.  “The Queens” referred to are the LizardQueens, the heads of the Lizardpeople, the Draconian people; they’re both women.  And for centuries they have despised each other.  I don’t know, maybe somebody complained about the other one’s cooking. 

I don’t know what it all started with; I have no idea.  But they just cannot stand each other.  And they are at constant bickering with each other. 

And they have taken many, from many different worlds.  And one Queen has won some of those people to that side, some to the other side.  And these are ones who think that they are God.

So, instead of going out and having a slap-fest amongst each other, the two, they use what they have got on their side to fight the other.  It is simply control, by one side, against the other side, and the other side against the one side, using us as the slappers, those who do drive-bys, those who do mass killing.  Oh, my gosh, it’s just unbelievable.

Most people, in general, can accept Lucifer, but laugh at me about talking about Lizards.  And, truthfully, the Lizards are all over the dang place, on this surface, under this surface, out in space, on their worlds.  They are quite the conquerors, and they are only 1 of 4 that are in alliance.  I call them the “Unholy Alliance” or the “Unholy Four”. 

If you only knew how these people work; they work with technology.  You have people who have inserts—laugh at that, laugh at an insert, if you please—but there are doctors actually removing strange little glass-like or metallic-like slivers.  These are inserts that are put into our human beings, and other human beings on other planets, to tell where you are, tell what your blood-rate is, and so on.  But that is only secondary.  These Unholy Four, or at least 3 of the 4, dwell on anger, hate, misery, everything ugly.

Rick Martin:  Now, to clarify for our readers, we’re not talking about 4 beings, we’re talking about 4 races of beings.  Is that right?

Red Elk:  Correct.  Anyway, they actually have machinery, down below, in our ground, here on this planet, and I assume the rest are the same way, machinery that they can aim at a group, or a person, press a button, and make that person or group react in some ungodly way.

They then, SUCK—and I mean this—suck on the emotion.  They have pressed a button, aimed a machine at you, and you are controlled to throw out that emotion.  They then suck on it like somebody who’s sipping a cocktail or who just likes to have a midday snack.

They actually walk along, and if they get hungry for a snack, they stop at one of these pieces of machinery, see who’s up there with these inserts, press a damn button, and get a reaction, and suck that energy.  Like you and I would stop for an ice cream cone, or drink a soda, or coffee, or a drink of liquor. 

Rick Martin:  So, when we talk about Lucifer or the adversarial forces thriving on negative energy, it is a literal, actual thing.

Red Elk:  Oh, it is, it is.  Lucifer is a different matter.  He doesn’t thrive on that.  All he wants is conquering.  He wants to be God, period!  He doesn’t get off on that.  His demons do, but he doesn’t. 

Rick Martin:  Where do the Greys, the so-called Grey aliens, factor into this?

Red Elk:  The Greys are part of the Unholy Four. 

Rick Martin:  You call them the “Bee People”?

Red Elk:   Yeah, I do.  Most of the Natives call them Insect People.  I like to call themBee People, mainly because—first off, let me say this:  These, out of the Unholy Four, do not suck on energy.  It doesn’t turn them on at all.  They have other reasons to be in the Four.  Their reason is:  originally they became as they were, which is now an almost totally extinct people, because they went, eons ago, to the Federation of Planets, asking to be allowed to come to this Earth to experiment, to get our DNA into their bodies, so they could eliminate hate, anger, and so forth.  They were given permission. 

Now, again, these people are playing God.  They didn’t go to God; they didn’t know God.  And the others, as far as they’re concerned, they’re in charge of this.  They gave them permission.  In so doing, they were successful.  They got the DNA—but in so doing, that eliminated ALL EMOTIONS of the Greys, ALL EMOTIONS. 

Now, the odd thing is—I’m speaking of the tall Greys, the real Greys.  The little short guys are like “plants”—greenery, growing—with the ability to think for themselves, but are basically nothing more than cloned shorties of the real thing, to do the bidding of the real thing; kind-of a slave.  And there are many, many of those.  And easy come, easy go; one gets killed or whatnot, just grow another one. 

Meanwhile, the rest, the true Greys, are much taller, by quite a bit, than the little ones.  And I have never seen a female Grey, true Grey.  It appears that their playing with emotions—what actually happened is, it killed their sex life.

People need to be held, touched, loved, sweet-talked.  Basically, when a woman is being raped, she might have an orgasm, but if she is raped constantly, she can turn that orgasm off.  If she is being violated, without love emotions, she will turn it off, consciously or subconsciously.  And this is what happened to the original Greys; the love emotion was gone.

So, over the centuries, sex life ceased to exist.  So, those original Greys are almost, now, extinct.  They then started growing these little guys as a workforce to DNA us.  Again, they went back to the damn council, and the council gave them permission.   They are utilizing our DNA to get the emotions back into them, before they totally become obliterated. 

So, the Greys are working with these other three, and thus, I call them the Unholy Four.  But just for their own agenda; they do not have the desire to suck fear and hate and all of that negative-energy stuff.   They just want to get DNA back into their genetics and get their race back on foot again. 

The little guys, these are God-aware people, like a tree is.  They have no soul, these little ones; they don’t need a soul, they’re plants.  But they are intelligent, talking, thinking, physical-doing plants.  They’re not locked into the ground.  They can walk around.  And they’re getting their own “high ideas” that if they can overcome the true Greys, their makers, they think, then they can become a race unto ourselves.  That’s their plan.

But it’s all in the book I assembled, The Agendas

So, it’s all a big mess, a big total mess, and frankly it all starts with Lucifer, who came to this planet, and digging deep within our planet, to get to his right heat zone, and then sending his 1/3 angels out throughout all dimensions, times, and planes, who in turn, went deep in-ground, and started being little miniature Lucifers, under command of the great Lucifer, and eventually infiltrated every planet in existence that has human being life.  And, like I said, we are a relatively new planet.  All these already infiltrated others are now in us, too, and they all claim us.  And, in fact, Lucifer, hidden, claims all of us.  But only God has us.

Rick Martin:  Where do you feel the Pleiadians come into this picture?

Red Elk:  You know, I’m not sure.  All I know is they have their own agenda.  None have an agenda for us.  The Pleiadians seem to be pretty nice people.  In these bunch of spacecraft that are coming for the false Rapture gathering, a certain number of spacecraft have been allowed that would not do the harm the others will do, into this huge fleet.  And, whoever goes on those ships will be awful lucky Christians, I’ll guarantee you.  At worst, they will be given robes and stuff, and wash dishes, and be a nanny on another island—but they won’t be eaten alive; they won’t be raped, in general; and they’ll have a pretty easy life compared to the others, a darned easy life. 

Rick Martin:  Let’s bring this conversation around to here and now.  It is a very fearful time on our planet for a lot of people; a crazy time with Bush warring with other nations.  What do you see happening, here and now, on the planet, and what words can you give our readers to find solace during a crazy time in our planet’s history.

Red Elk: First off, we are right on time, literally.  All that is taking place all around us is no accident, but is a design, placed long ago on the greatest probability.  We have been following the greatest probability.

That does not mean that we could not turn around now.  We certainly haven’t turned around, yet.  But we CAN go down that path instead of hitting the accident, until the skies change.  But, nevertheless, everything is running in perfect control.

Remember, there is no death, when you die, no matter how you die, until that final death, that final Day of Judgment, comes, you’re going to go from this life into a much more powerful life.  Hopefully you will all wake up—but you’ll get what you want.  God isn’t going to go against your will.  And some don’t even want to go up or down, they’re afraid.  They’re not sure where they belong, so they become “shades”—ghosts to you.  And some stay because they want to protect certain areas that are called power spots. 

All I can say is: grow spiritually!  It’s hard to say, but: don’t worry, be happy; it’s all going according to Plan, and God is not an ant’s step off of the greatest probability.  And by the way, He’s on the other probabilities, too!  He splits; He knows them all.  

Basically, the best thing to do is get in connection with the Scriptures.  Get in connection with the Creator in those Scriptures, or in any way that you know is the Creator.  And search Him out diligently.  Search out what He wants you to do.  He will warn you.  Learn to pay attention.  He will guide you.  Learn to pay attention.  Be willing to share, but don’t force what you’re being told.  Don’t start a damn “follow me” thing—follow Christ.

Look to yourself.  You are the first one you should be concerned about in your spiritual growth.  If you do so, and grow in love and in spirit, then those within your own household—your wife, or husband, or children, or grandparents, or parents—they will see a difference and hunger, and you can start a fire in them.

And if we can do this, just enough, if enough would listen, and really hunger, and start searching, seeking, and finding, we can change the sky.  It can be for our great, great, great, great grandchildren.  And everything will be hunky-dorey here, everything will calm down. 

Rick Martin:  That’s a good place to stop.

Red Elk:  This Earth IS paradise, we’re the ones who mess it up.  We’re the ones afraid we’re going to slip in it, and yelling about the stench of it all.  But guess what?  You’re one of those who contributed to the mess!  Quit blaming everybody else, and look at yourself. 

Gail Cortright:  That’s right, look at yourself, and stop waiting for everybody else to do it for you.  And that means, to me, while a lot people look at the “upper echelon”, the President, the Enron people, and all that, what they fail to do is look at themselves.  And you know what?  They’re doing business without integrity, their morals really suck.  Excuse me. 

Red Elk:  Why excuse you?

Gail Cortright:  But you know what I mean? 

Red Elk:  Yes, I do know.

Gail Cortright:  They’re looking at all these other people, and they fail to look at themselves, and go: God, you know what, I have no integrity.  I have no morals.  My children don’t know how to say please and thank you.

Red Elk:  Or sir.

Gail Cortright:  Right, they have no respect.  They’re not taught any.  So, I wholeheartedly agree with you when you say you’ve got to start with yourself.  And that’s my soap-boxing for the day.

Red Elk:  Well, I’ll tell you.  If you stop to realize that you are, literally, “wanted”—that’s why you’re here.  God wanted you.  You are a child of God, automatically.  He wanted you, and made you into being.  If God can love you, as dirty as you are, then maybe you ought to take a second look at yourself, and say: “I must be worth something.”  And start loving yourself, because Papa loves ya. 

Gail Cortright:  That’s right, there you go. 

Rick Martin:  That’s a good note to end on. 

Red Elk:  So, we end for now. 

[Then, later, some follow-up comments.]

Red Elk: We speak, in our Indian way, about learning Sacred Silence and Duality of Spirit.  And, I tell you, it’s really something.  This really puts you in connection with yourself, and once you start seeing yourself, you start reaching out for help, because you see yourself, and you’re a pretty ugly looking kid, you know.  And this God, who loves you, you start searching out and reaching out, in your blindness, in your filth, that’s in your eyes and everywhere else, and He reaches down and touches your hand and says: “I am here.”  And then helps clean you up.  But it starts with Sacred Silence, the silence that starts with looking inward, and then looking outward.

For the people who want to grow—and many have written to me—I highly recommend certain books.  In spite of your belief, above all, start reading the Bible.  Never mind what you get out of it, reading, you don’t know what you’re doing to your inner God-being, the one we call Nagual.  This is an angel inside of you who needs to eat like you need to eat.  Start reading your Bible.  And seriously, I don’t care what religion you’re from, or non-religion, ask God to reveal Himself.  It’s between Him and you, nobody else.  And watch out, if you’re serious.

So, I recommend the Bible.  And for those who can afford it, and really want to learn a little more about it, I recommend a concordance.  It’s a pretty expensive book, and any pastor can tell you how to read it.  After that, I recommend the book by Tom Brown, Jr., called The Tracker, and then, after that, the one by Tom Brown, Jr., again, called Awaken Spirits.  Read those two books in the order given: The Tracker first; don’t cheat; then Awaken Spirits.  You will learn how to go into the Sacred Silence.  You will learn about duality of spirit, and you will, thus, learn what the first book shows.  By doing all of this, you can do the impossible.  The gentleman who taught Mr. Tom Brown, Jr. was also one of my many, many teachers.  Buy those books, they’re $12.98 each; don’t cheat.

Gail Cortright:  I think we have those books, actually.

Rick Martin:  I think we do.

Red Elk:  Use those books; reread them.  You will connect.  I call them pot-rated books, because you’re sitting on the pot [toilet], while other people are pounding to get in.  And you say: “I’m not done with that particular chapter.  Go outside!”

Gail/Rick:  (Laughter)

Red Elk:  I just love them.  My wife, who is a real hard-core-type Christian, or has been, she just fell in love with them.  And they sure open your eyes.

Rick Martin:  Thank you for recommending them.

Red Elk:  Aho!  Highly, highly—but please, don’t deny that Word of God—I don’t care if you are Buddhist, atheist, don’t deny it.  You’re making one of the biggest mistakes of your life.  IT’S JUST BETWEEN YOU AND GOD.  I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT A RELIGION.  I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONALISM.  I AM TALKING ABOUT THE BOOK THAT LEADS YOU TO THE ONLY WAY OF LIFE, OTHER THAN DARKNESS—AND THAT IS LOVE.

I’ll let ’er close at that.

Gail Cortright:  That’s a good word to close it on.

Rick Martin:  Thank you, very much.

Gail Cortright:  That’s perfect.

Red Elk:  Well, I don’t think you’ll be able to get all that in.

Rick Martin:  We will, you’ll be surprised.

Red Elk:  Half-spaced, tiny little letters?

Rick Martin:  (Laughter)  We’ll make room.

Red Elk:  I sound like a preacher, I can’t help it.  That’s the way I’ve been taught, and I learned through it.  And I found it all true.  And we’re taught to test everything.  What you read, what you hear, what you see, test it and see if it’s morally correct, and not against the law.  And if it’s needed, then do it.

You can fly.  All you’ve got to do is get into a child-like mind.  Be a 3-year-old again, pretend.  And when you forget you’re trying to fly, but you’re having such a ball pretending, and you start yelling: “Weee, I can fly.  I can fly” to “Weee, I AM flying!  I AM flying!”  Not a future event, but a NOW event.  You WILL levitate.  All these things are possible.  Get rid of all those can’ts.  That’s just positive trash.

Well, I guess we’ll have to call it quits. 

Rick Martin:  I’m full.

Red Elk:  I’m full.

Rick Martin:  It’s been an honor.

Red Elk:  No, the honor goes to Him, certainly not to me.

Gail Cortright:  There you go.

Rick Martin:  We’ll thank you for all of our readers.  We know that our readers will be very appreciative.

Red Elk: We’ll see; there’s no mistakes.  We know we can’t win ’em all.  But, hopefully, we’ll shake some minds.  Whether they want to go back to sleep, that’s their business.

[Then, a day or two later, one more question.]

Rick Martin:  I realized there was one additional question that is quite important, that I did not ask you.  I’m sure people will be wondering.  So, I wondered if I could ask you now?

Red Elk:  Why not.

Rick Martin:  There are many people who believe that there are enlightened beings who live within the Earth in beautiful cities of light, such as those found under Lake Titicaca, under the Gobi Desert, under the North Pole, and under Mt. Shasta.  Is that correct?  And if so, who are these beings?

Red Elk:  I’m not sure if that’s dead correct, because that’s where the cities are, you understand, some of them.  Right, let me make that clear.  By saying “such as” means that there ARE those kind of cities under there.  No!  The only crystal cities that I’ve ever seen, in all my life—I’m not even, to this day, sure if I was looking at Heaven, or a great planet, but it wasn’t on this Earth.

Rick Martin:  Are you familiar with Admiral Byrd, and his diary?

Red Elk:  I’ve been familiar with Mr. Byrd since 11, or so.

Rick Martin:  He says that he went into the North Pole, and met with these beings of Light, at the North Pole, within the Earth, at the great entrance of the North Pole.  Now, who are these beings?

Red Elk:  I’ve never seen them.

Rick Martin:  So, you don’t really know?

Red Elk:  I have no idea if they still exist, or not.  There are a type of being that may be on the same line as a Lighted being, and this was told to me by the Queen of the Innerland.  At least, she told me the name of them.  She called them Rock Flyers.  She explained that they are a form of spiritual being, but physical spiritual.  They have the ability to fly, and actually live in the stones, within the rocks and stones themselves.  And she inferred they are some form of an Angel. 

Rick Martin:  Now, would that be the entity who is the soul of Earth?

Red Elk:  No, no.  She said they are the Angels of her people, the fairies and stuff; she calls them the Totems, as we do, and said: “As well as your people”—inferring those who have Totems on the surface.

And, Mr. Waters, of Mel’s Hole, when he was on the air last [on Art Bell’s radio program], he had quite an experience with a living being.  And that’s why I went to find out what this was all about.  And she said he had a very, very, extremely rare case of one of these Rock Flyers taking shape within this animal, in the only way it knew, in the only opportunity it could, and coming up, and Mr. Waters had an actual healing experience with his Totem, one of these Rock Flyers, that can take on different forms. 

Rick Martin:  That’s interesting to know that’s what that was.

Red Elk:  Well, that’s what she told me.  I’ve never run into Rock Flyers; I’ve seen many Totems.

Rick Martin:  Now, again, who told you this?

Red Elk:  The Innerland Queen.

Rick Martin:  Is she a being of Light?

Red Elk:  No.

Rick Martin:  She’s in spirit?

Red Elk:  Oh, no, no. 

Rick Martin:  This is a real being?

Red Elk: She’s as real as the fairies and stuff.  I don’t even know her name.  We’ve gotten, over time, onto a fairly good relationship.  In short, she never gets totally upset with me, or anything.  And I don’t have to go in there bowing and scraping, and stuff like that.  She will send a messenger if she needs to see me, and wants to see me.  One of the elders will come and tell me so; then we’ll make arrangements for a meeting time. 

Rick Martin:  There is one person here who I work with, who has done a lot of reading over the years, including the Admiral Byrd material, and he’s always been under the impression that in the very center of the Earth there is a Great Sun.  Is that a misunderstanding?

Red Elk:  The only Great Sun that it would be, that I have actually witnessed, in spirit I have gone right into it, and that would be quite similar to our Sun out here, just molten lava, and heat galore.

Rick Martin:  That’s in the dead center?  You’re talking lava within the center?

Red Elk:  The # 1 level or layer, the so-called ball.  Actually, it is a ball.  It’s round. 

As for Mr. Byrd’s going in through a hole.  I’ve never seen a large depression anywhere around the Earth like that.  And I cannot verify that this is true or not.  I don’t KNOW it.

But I do believe there is such a depression, kind-of like having a large piece of clay pressed and warm in your hand, and press down maybe an inch and a half thick, and then you take your thumb and you press into it.  The depression I’m speaking of, then, with your thumb, curl under that depression to make edges.  That, if this is true, if there is such a place, that is the way I perceive it as being.  In short, it’s a great cave, with the lid fallen-in.

Rick Martin:  But in terms of these “light cities” that people talk about, like under Mt. Shasta, with the Lemurians, supposedly, is that myth?  Or, you just don’t know, either way?

Red Elk:  I could not say, either way.  All I know are the cities that I have personally seen, and these cities are of pure stone—no electricity, no plastic, they’re waiting for the returnees.  They have these huge chests that look like what they bury people in Egypt in, a sarcophagus, similar but they don’t have that kind of carving and stuff, but they’re made out of stone, too.  And they fit really tight, the lids.  And in these chests—and it takes two men, easily, to lift up the lid.  In these chests are seeds for planting.  And the only ones I’ve ever seen them in are seeds in linen, like cloth, so that when the Long Walkers get there, or the Returnees, if you prefer, get there, they go in with the knowledge of how to plant in the first place.  They don’t have tractors.  It’s just like you could go out there, and you know to make a row of corn.  You’ve got nothing to make it with.  You can take a stick and make it.

Rick Martin:  Now, the Long Walkers—you’re talking about the Hopiand the Navajo?

Red Elk:  Yeah.  That’s what the Long Walkers are.  But they aren’t the only ones who are going to go in.  They are the only ones who are called Long Walkers. 

Rick Martin:  Have you ever made contact with the soul of the Earth?  The entity that represents this planet?

Red Elk:  The actual entity of the soul of the Earth, as far as I know—definitely no.  I’ve never run into an entity called the soul of the Earth.  Frankly, the Earth needs no soul.  It’s doing nothing wrong.  It’s doing it’s job.  Only those who have the will to do, on a consistent basis, right or wrong, as they will it, have soul.  Therefore, all human beings, no matter what planet, have souls.  Everything else backs up the life of that human being.

There’s Heavens for dogs, Heavens for cats, Heavens for horses—I’ve seen many of them; just beautiful.  When a dog dies, I don’t care how vicious the dog is here, it has done no wrong.  It might have been trained wrong, or whatnot, but it’s done no wrong.  Or, done wrong through madness, like rabies or something, but it is free.  It is just free.  And these animals, no matter what breed, and birds, and fish, all kinds of things, this Heaven is a mass rolling cloud, for each individual-type animal—you know, dogs for dogs, horses for horses.  And I say it’s like that.  It’s a cloud of pure—say we’re going to dog Heaven, right?  It is a cloud of absolutely pure dog awareness joy.  It is something else.  I’ve had to help some animals into this Heaven, including two or three of my own who were so attached to us, they wanted to stay with us.  No, it’s time for them to go home and enjoy what’s there for them.  So, I’ve had to take them, in spirit actually take them, and show them the place.  And they look, cock their heads, and “Wow!”

And I say: “It’s ok.  Go!”  And they just run and leap into this, and just become one with this mass of joy.  I’ve gone up, occasionally, just to look.  And this is the only Heaven that I, literally, go up to on my own.  The rest of the time, I’m taken into the Heaven for us.  By the way, there are animals in that Heaven for us, too.  And what happens is, these animals from Dog Heaven, for instance, they’re called by their former masters and they’ll just transfer to there, and be with them.   But they are not “locked” into the human Heaven.  They can go back and forth.  If they get tired of being around: “Sorry, pop, I gotta go.  I’ll be back later.”  And bang, off they go.  This Heaven is a kick!

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