Red Elk's Great Vision
A great gasoline "drought". This happened immediately after the Viet Nam war. Car factories closed. Iron factories closed. Both have happened.Drought and floods.. in this now. Turmoil of weather.. in this now. North America with many earthquakes.. in this now. AND TO ESCALATE TO MAMMOTH ONES! Odd diseases. AIDS - Others: Occurring NOW. Hospitals filled to capacity due to disease and government experiments.. Still to be. Death, so GREAT train box cars haul thousands of bodys to put in the Dakota badlands - using the Auroras as burial places. Almost all dead come from the East. Yet to happen. Children "protected" - evacuated to government safe places. Still to be. Crops killed by insects and drought. In process now, and will escalate. HOT! Unbelievably so! Yet to be. Giant winds - renegade storms. Doing so now will escalate. Ice/snow storms, East Southeast area - Freezing as we've never known it to do. MANY die. Showing signs of this now. Weather in general - CRAZY. Doing so now. The following are yet to be, unless otherwise indicated: Steaming waters - rivers / lakes. Sky turns "mad" - can't be explained. Blisters and open sores - blindness. MASSIVE. Hair falling out - in clumps. Gagging on food / drinks. Choking. GREAT fear in all people in North America. Lung / breathing problems. In process now. Animals / fish / birds disappearing into oblivion - near extinction. WAR ON OUR SOIL - five armies (nations) doing so. We lose. To be and probably within the next five years - or sooner. Starvation. Cannibalization. Great race upheaval in North America - civil war between races. Citizens against government - local to national. A general mass "madness". USA military gone amuck. Raping / killing / stealing. Fights over water. "Road warriors" - guns rule. Military and road warriors clash. HATE and FEAR rule. In process now. Christian churches fail. In process now. Stealth type murders. Doing so now. Mass murders. Doing so now. Adults losing control - kids "lord" over them. Doing so now. Hawaiian Islands RISE. Coasts of USA to sink. HUGE earthquakes / winds. Sky turns dark. Sky turns red (days and nights). HUGE meteorite hits ocean off of our coast. Sky filled with red hot burning rocks. Survivors of war - refugees go to upper Minnesota to escape. Creator 'slaps' away occupying armies. All flee. Military hidden UNDERGROUND emergency weapons. Politicians escaping underground. Tunnels / bases try to regain leadership - most rejected and run off. Women take an active place in ruling what's left. EQUAL. 666 number comes into play. To be. (in progress now) Believers hunted for bounty of $ or water. Creator feeds / waters His 'children' via birds etc. Two raptures - first one (man / alien made) is false. Demonic / alien activities increase. Doing so now. GREAT economic depression - far bigger than the 30's. Christians blamed for this. Believer's children mocked and beaten by schoolyard peers due to the depression. Many 'good' escape into caves and tunnels and LOWER. In process now - but very limited. "Openings" held secret by Native Americans start to get opened / activated by them. Doing so now. Will escalate. Sacred Native American KNOWLEGE will be given to ALL. In process now. Eventually Armageddon. In process now. Year 2012 only end of known possibility. Too many possibilities to know which path mankind will take. Myans gave up. To be known at the time. World civilizations cease. Few left. Interbreeding of all races making one color - one language. One thousand years of peace. Earth's people return to same as now - and worse. Mankind volunteers to be 'borg-like' (machine like). Emotions snuffed out by technology. No more wars due to this near robotic state of being. (No more "LIFE" - spontaneity) Rebels remain 'natural'. A great revival occurs away from borgdom. Earth is destroyed around 4023. 'Judgement Day' occurs just before Earth is destroyed. Afterlife occurs for the good and the bad, who are each congregated together. That completes the largest single vision that I had. The following revelations were also given to me later: A 7.2 earthquake will occur (some will say it is 7.3 but it is 7.2) rolling in from the general direction of Portland Oregon moving in the direction of Seattle. Don't know if Portland or Seattle is affected. Was shown it was to be in a fairly early in the morning on a beautiful Spring or Summer day. Mount St. Helens blows up again. Couger Washington instantly disappears in the blast. Mountain blows from that side. Ash is at least ten feet deep in surrounding areas (Long View, Kelso, etc.) - at least 10 inches in Tacoma, Washington, then turns East (as before). Similar time frame as earthquake. NO YEAR WAS GIVEN Mount Rainier blows - fall time frame. Just under 1/4 of top shoots straight up - flips over - slams back into the crater, plugging it. This causes compressed air to blow holes in Kitticas County etc., well over 100 miles away. Holes from only an inch to over six feet. This occurs just prior to or early in Elk (gun hunting season) season. Mount Si - big and little - kiss off the town of North Bend, Washington. This will happen within three years from October 2003 (when this was first written). Puget Sound Coast: A HUGE "shelf" of earth snaps off and drops deeply from outer end - creating a giant backwash. It has a scooping effect that produces a huge Tsunami wave. This great wave is hundreds of feet high. All cities, Seattle on down to Oregon, drown. (Don't know about Oregon.) Water breaks over inland mountain passes. Rivers rise - dams break. Stops East of Spokane Washington. All up to there are killed. Washington State becomes just a strip of land. Many of the current mountain tops form islands off the new coast of Washington. This Northeast US geologic trauma is not necessarily given in the sequence in which it will occur. Rainier or St. Helens is the most likely first occurrence. Rampant Corruption Hawaii will or has a younger (40s) politician who invites or allows big Mafia activity. THIS MAN IS BAD NEWS! (watch out voters) Military is digging in new tunnels, and are putting in small underground bases NOW. Going underground to escape what's coming and will rise on the command of hiding politicians to take over once again. A water SHORTAGE will occur in nature, but it is also planned and arranged by man. "Glass like" tunnels are being made. These are to be used as water conduits to drain lakes - big ones. The US AND CANADIAN governments will claim it is all nature. B.S. - a man made catastrophe mixed with some natural events. Government will control all water rights - wells included. Okay you've got the vision - and visions after. At the end of the first (big) vision I was told: "THE DANGER FROM WITHOUT IS NOWHERE NEAR AS GREAT AS THE DANGERS FROM WITHIN! (government)" Ho Red Elk Addendum by Red Elk: IS THERE HOPE?: Hear me friends, I am "Anti Religious" n teach NONE save Oneness between each n the Creator. The following will/can be misconstrued as a Religious STATEMENT.... IT IS NOT. I am only REPEATING what I was AUDABLY T O L D : As I layed before the Creator after all the "69 day fast" (I was on the liveing rm floom....shocked by what I had been shown over the last 3 days), I asked; "Why r u showeing me this Sir?" at that HIS VOICE "Hit"me. AUDIBLY He SAID: "THE PEOPLE R NOT PREPARED FOR THE UP-COMEING TIMES. TO BE PREPARED THEY MUST DO 3 THINGS; #1....READ THE WORD OF GOD (Good Book/Bible) ......DAILY. #2.....PRAY TO ME, ON THIER KNEES.....DAILY. #3.....BELEIVE ALL THEY READ IN THERE....DAILY". Then He SAID ; "IF THEY DO SO, THEY WILL BE PREPARED." Other things, personal, were told me as well after this initial message. Things regarding my "reason for "being". One of which was; 'YOU WILL GO COAST TO COAST, BORDER TO BORDER, TELLING THSE THINGS. MANY WILL BE YOUR ENEMY. OF THOSE UR MAIN ENEMIES WILL BE : PASTORS, DOCTORS AND LAWYERS. U WILL GO TO FIVE COUNTRIES; TURKY; ISREAL; ROME; AFGANASTAN AND (here I can no longer recall). U WILL BE HEARD IN ISREAL AND A GREAT REVIVAL WILL OCCUR THERE. IN ROME YOU WILL GET VERY FEW TO HEAR/LISTEN. THERE WILL BE A POPE....SO "BLACK" (unGodly in heart) THAT FEW WILL LISTEN (I was then shown this man. One that will be the NXT POPE OF LONG STANDING (this is now 2004). ( NOTE: There MAY be a Pope AFTER THE ONE EARTH NOW HAS and BEFORE this "Black" One.....Im not sure....but IF SO this one will have a VERY SHORT "REIGN"....making way for the Black One). (NOTE: This "Black Pope" is NOT the ANTI-CHRIST but WILL BE PART OF THAT ONES "RISING"....a BIG Part!). Then The Creator showed me walking in the "Land of the Arabs (Musslum people)". My feet were cripled badly n I was useing staffs to walk. There (?) I was taken captive and thrown into a deep round pit that had an iron grill atop. This pit had others within it. ...dead. Bones and roting flesh. No food or water gos to those within. (You just "Fry" under the heat of the sun.....condemed to die of thirst n hunger). DURING THE NIGHT (of one? of more then one?) someone...or 2 or 3....came quietly and lifted the steel grate and passed a rope down....pulling me out. THESE WERE A SECRET "SOCIETY" OF MUSSLUM C H R I S T I A N S! (I know these exist today). I was then shown me returning to the United States JUST AS THE GREAT TURMOIL (3 day vision) BEGAN. Returning "JUST IN TIME" FOR THAT! Just in time for "All Hell" to break loose, here. AFTER THE FOREGN ARMIES LEAVE R (New SHORES)...I SAW MANY GREAT WHITE CLIPPER-LIKE SAILING SHIPS PATROLLING OUR COAST-LINES. THESE GREAT WHITE PROTECTORS WERE....: A N G L E S ! AMERICA (N. Am.?) THEN SETTLED DOWN TO PEACE N G O D L Y N E S S LIVING....AND L E A D I N G!! Folks, WE BECOME A PARADISE. The "Garden" "RETURNED". An EXAMPLE to ALL EARTHS PEOPLE of what "Gentiles" can DO, n BE. IS There HOPE? YES! Can this be CHANGED to let ALL THE BADNESS "CHANGE"? YES! But ONLY IF 85 to 87% OF OUR WORLDS' POPULATION RETURNS TO RIGHTNESS IN GOD....N O W ! And in the LIKE MIND.... PLEAD FOR MERCY ON/FOR A L L MANKIND. We have" TILL THE "SKYS TURN RED". THEN...the GREATEST PROBABILITY OF ALL will be...n ALL SHOWN WILL TAKE PLACE. THERE WILL BE NO HOPE OF CHANGING THAT "PROBABILITY" DURING, OR AFTERWARDS! I PLEAD OF YOU....LISTEN! CHANGE. NOW! Before it's too late. DOES THIS ONES NAGUAL, ONCE AGAIN, just "CRY IN THE WILDERNESS?"......... ? Ho Red Elk P.S. A part of vision 4gotten till this morn (March 14). ; INSECTS IN GREAT NUMBERS....EATING R CROPS. and : DURING THE WAR I SAW PEOPLE OF GOD, PRAYING ON THE BATTLE FEILDS...Praying for the Dead n Dieing.(Soldiers). ATOMIC SHELLS GOING OFF....Effecting NONE OF THE PRAY-ERS. Both Shapnel/Blast/Atomic Energy UNEFFECTING THEM PASSING THROUGH THEM as if they were "Ghosts"! |